師資介紹 ─ TWA 客座講師


Elisa Rossetto

Elisa Rossetto was born in Vicenza, Italy in 1986. Naturally versed on the Italian world of wine
thanks to the rich culture of her region, Elisa was also drown to Asia and China particularly early in
her university studies. She graduated with honors in Asian Studies (Venice Ca' Foscari University).
She received the congratulation of the university jury for her master degree thesis titled "Italian
wines in China: the case of Prosecco".

She joined Bisol - one of the historical family of Prosecco and Cartizze - while still graduating, she
took part in the Venice pavilion at the recent Shanghai World Expo 2010 where Bisol was one of the
partner. Soon after, she was offered to join the official Bisol Chinese importer as Sales Director. She
represented Bisol among other brands in Beijing principally. After three strong years of experience
on the Chinese market and several business trips to Asia, Elisa is now based in Italy and is currently
working at Bisol Winery as Export manager of the Asia Pacific area. She has a strong passion and
enthusiasm for wine and she could talk all night long about Prosecco and it different appellations.






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