師資介紹 ─ TWA 客座講師


Sofia Salvador

Sofia Salvador graduated in Biotechnology in Lisbon and later did the OIV (International Vine and Wine Organization) Master Degree in Wine Management at the Paris X University. This Master programme involved travelling through 25 wine producing and importing countries learning about all aspects of the wine sector from production to marketing and lead to the wish of working for the promotion of Portuguese Wines.

Worked in Fita Preta wine company in both export and wine making work at the winery. Later did a Master Degree in Business Communication and started working on the communication of the recently launched Wines of Portugal brand, at the Vine and Wine
Institute. Presently works at ViniPortugal as Wines of Portugal Wine Educator and Digital Communication Manager.






  1. WSET Foundation適合何種程度的學生?
  2. 何種程度可報名WSET Intermediate課程?
  3. 考完試多久會收到成績單與證書?
  4. 台灣有多少機構承認WSET認證嗎?

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